

About Me 07 Sep 2023

What is this, a blog?

Hi! I’m Ben, an engineering student at University of Canberra. I am hoping to graduate with Honours in 2025 - specializing in Robotics & AI.

I will be posting here infrequently with updates about projects, hobbies, or general meanderings.

You can see the full bccodes GitHub repository via the link here or at the top of the page.


Lately I’ve been getting pretty into robotics.

My programming background is long-ish but very patchy, so a lot of my last two years has gone into Python (of course), Java, Javascript, and most recently, C++. I won’t mention Matlab right now.

ROS (Robotic Operating System) is the main reason for the C++, and what has consumed the lion’s share of my time. and this is . fine.

I will update projects and things in my GitHub as we go, so any programmers can point out all the bugs in my code.


Some of you may have noticed the links at the top of the page, one in particular - that’s right. I have a SoundCloud page. It exists. I may expand this blog at some stage to include posts about music production at some point - wait and see.

Contact Me

Anyone that knows me, just pick up the phone folks!

Otherwise, I have an email address provided by the uni - tell me all of your thoughts.

Email Ben: u3243222@uni.canberra.edu.au

This site was made with Jekyll, a static HTML generator supported by GitHub Pages.

I got a bit carried away with the CSS.

Tags: about
Test 28 Aug 2023

This is a nice little test post…

My helpful image

is there a picture there?

Tags: test
Larger Image